**Our January 2025 Ofsted Report is now live. Harting is good in all areas with elements of exemplary and outstanding practice**

Worried about a child's safety?

Are you worried about the safety of a child?

If you think a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency and call 999 to report your concerns to the Police.


The School's Safeguarding Team:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Nick Tidey (Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Suzanne Fielder (Assistant Headteacher)  

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Malcolm Meaby (Headteacher Stedham)  


If you have concerns around a child who attends the school please speak to either Mr Tidey or Mrs Fielder in the first instance. If your concern is during a holiday period see details below: 

 (Any person has the right to make a referral if they have concerns around the safety of a child) 

If you think a child is being abused or neglected please contact the MASH. You can contact the MASH during office hours on the details below.

Tel: 01403 229 900

Email from a secure email address to: MASH@westsussex.gov.uk

When you contact the MASH please give as much information as possible about the child you are concerned about. This will help the MASH decide the best way to respond to your concern. The information you give will be kept confidential. You can remain anonymous but it is helpful if you can give your name and details.